Thursday, 7 March 2013

Spring Clean Your Life

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With the spring season here it's time to rise out of the winter slump and refresh you life!

Try some of these ideas to get things in motion:


Time to sort through every piece of clothing you own!
Section your clothes in to 3 piles - 'Keep', 'Maybe' and 'Throw Out'. Making sure to put anything unflattering or too big/small in the latter pile.

Make sure you take out anything that is damaged. If it's something you'd like to keep, try getting it repaired or fixing it yourself. Otherwise, throw it out!

Have a good long think about every item in your maybe pile. If it's something you haven't worn in a long time, maybe your style has changed, in which case it's time to get rid.

Now it's time to decide what to do with your throw out pile. There are lots of options here, throw a clothes swapping party, donate to charity, or try selling them online.


I know motivation is very scarce in the winter months, but with the arrival of spring its time to up your fitness levels and get healthy.

There are many paths you can take, it's all about figuring out what is right for YOU.

Yoga is my exercise of choice. It strengthens your body while relaxing and decluttering your mind.
Check out my recent post about what to wear for yoga.
If your not confident going to yoga class there are a huge amount dvds available for all skill levels.

Gym memberships might seem a little pricey if you not getting the most out of it, but if you're a university student take advantage of your campus gym. These facilities are usually free or subsidiary for students so try to make time for a gym session at least once a week.

There are thousands of articles on the internet about workout routines you can do in your own home.
Find a routine that is tailored to the specific area you are working on, and make a regular workout habit about 3 or 4 times a week.

For those of you who are social, bubbly and energetic, Zumba and high impact aerobics are the 
perfect type of exercise. These classes are perfect taken twice a week and taking a friend can make the experience even better!


A light feminine look is just the thing for spring. Take a look at these spring makeup finds.

Spring Makeup